Gigzi — The Independent Wealth Manager

Gigzi is a financial system that addresses the three main challenges of cryptocurrency: hyper-volatility, accounts and the phenomenon of wealth. By using negative effects, users’ Giggles are against uncertainty about market fluctuations.
Gigzi is a revolutionary financial system that addresses these challenges. By harnessing the relative constancy of precious metals and equipment world leading iris recognition technology, Gigzi provides investors with stability, security and wealth protection.
Gigzi has been developed for more than two years. The completed stages include system architecture design,
Development of Smart Contracts and formalization of partnerships with IriTech. Because of that, at the launch point
and crowd sales — Gigzi is only a few months away to deliver full system architecture and functionality to its users.
Gigzi Features
As I wrote earlier, the team of founders intends to solve the main drawback of cryptocurrencies, namely their storage and security in the network. The Gigzi resorted to cooperation and technology world company (IriTech). Thanks to which, the purse Gigzi has the highest degree of security, since the user login is done by scanning the iris of the eye. This security system has not been used yet neither the current system or platform based on the blockchain! This gives Gigzi a huge advantage over all other systems and platforms.
The Gigzi Wallet application supports major electronic payments and allows users to easily manage funds stored on the blockchain. This wallet ensures unparalleled account security thanks to IriTech's iris recognition technology, which allows users to be confident in their operating safety and savings.
Due to the presence of a private exchange, the system Gigzi will allow all users to quickly spend the cryptocurrency exchanges of assets with Fiat and Vice versa. Also, for users, due to the integration of API exchanges, the function of transferring cryptocurrencies from one exchange to another will be available. The same will apply to traditional Fiat exchanges. This principle allows not to be limited to one exchange, but to interact with a wide range of partners.
The Gigzi system intends to back up each of its coins with precious metal from this and there will be a further classification of coins: GZP (Platinum), GZG (Gold) and GZS (Silver). Each time when there will be a purchase of a coin, it will be supported by 1 gram of metal. When the cycle of the transaction will occur in the opposite direction and will be the redemption of precious metals, the system will immediately be the destruction of the crypto-asset. This principle will allow you to quickly exchange Gigzi Black for Gigzi Metals and convert your assets into a more stable market of precious metals.
The Vision
Gigzi's vision is defined by the wish that users become integrated into the financial ecosystem and that they will use all applications to preserve wealth, manage investment, and buy goods and services. Gizgi stipulates an ecosystem in which users can safely trade cryptocurrency, and their wealth is protected in precious metals. It is a new and innovative system on the blockchain market.
The Problem
Hyper-volatility of Cryptocurrency
There is a great deal of volatility in the cryptocurrency space because of its’ infancy. As a result of this volatility, some investors gain high returns but some of them are not lucky or educated enough so they lose their investments with lack of investment options which provide stability.
Account Vulnerability
Since it is the wealth of the user which cryptocurrency wallets and cryptocurrency exchanges keep they need a high level of security implemented for safety of the funds. Therefore, user accounts are protected by a public key which is paired with private key. The private key, which is a randomly generated set of numbers and characters, decrypts and grants access to the account. Since private keys are so long that it is impossible to memorize and they are frequently used, they are often used by ‘copy and paste’ actions, which makes it extremely vulnerable to interception by Trojans, Spyware and Malware.
The Uncertainty and Instability of Wealth Invested in Cryptocurrency
Everyone might have heard about 100x and even more than 200x returns on investing in cryptocurrencies. It is not rare that people have earned a lot of money investing in cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, there were flash crashes and devaluation of the cryptocurrencies depending on the FUD and news published. These events might easily bring huge losses within minutes and there is no way to avoid them.
Gigzi Boosting the New Technology
Biometric security solutions are one of the best in the market. Particularly, iris scanning biometric equipment measures unique patterns in the iris. The colored circle of your eye is the iris. With utmost precision, the biometric equipment verifies and authenticates your identity when satisfied that the patterns match existing records.
In order to realize the stability of their digital coin, the founders of Gigzi decided to reinforce each of their coins with precious metals such as Silver, Gold and Platinum. This principle will allow all investors to use something more real and valuable than just a digital coin, at the same time to enjoy the stability of these metals and protect themselves from the great volatility of the market. For this will be met the proportion of 1 coin Gigzi is equal to 1 ounce or another precious metal.
Gigzi Boosting the New Technology
Speaking in reference to the development, Gigzi CEO, Mr. El Asmar, said the solution is a great boost to security. He says the new technology is awesome in all aspects of security. According to him, Gigzi will work tirelessly to ensure the cryptocurrency space is safe. In his words,
“Gigzi is at the forefront of developing security protocols for decentralized applications and will be raising the security standard on the blockchain.”
Biometric security solutions are one of the best in the market. Particularly, iris scanning biometric equipment measures unique patterns in the iris. The colored circle of your eye is the iris. With utmost precision, the biometric equipment verifies and authenticates your identity when satisfied that the patterns match existing records.
Token & ICO Details
Gigzi will have its own token named GZB, it will be ERC20 type and it will work on ethereum platform.
Token Details
Token: GZB
PreICO Price: 1 GZB = 0.0025 ETH
Price: 1 GZB = 0.0025 ETH
Bonus: Available
Bounty: Available
MVP/Prototype: Available
Platform: Ethereum
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 7,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 24,000,000 USD
Country: UK
Whitelist/KYC: None
Restricted areas: None
Asset Allocation
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